Social Responsibility

At Beckley Hospitality Group, we strongly believe the key to success is to delivery truly wonderful and fulfilling experiences to our customers and employees alike.

We are committed
to doing business responsibly

We strive for excellence by recruiting and training the most talented people we can find in the industry.


We work diligently to make sure every detail is executed with excellence.  This starts in our kitchens where we created culinary experiences in a positive & healthy team environment with our customers’ satisfaction in mind and ends as you savor our food.

Our focus and love for quality, satisfaction, services, personal & professional development sets us on a path to provide the best not just to our costumers and employees but also to our communities.

BHG Social Responsibility

Projects we support

Currently, Beckley Hospitality Group supports several nonprofit organizations that provide a wide array of social welfare initiatives to vulnerable and socioeconomic at-risk sectors in communities of Costa Rica. We aim to support causes and strengthen alliances between these organization and the people who need them the most.

Casa Luz

Casa Luz

Their mission to is break the intergenerational cycle of abuse and exploitation in Costa Rica by providing safe and loving environments for young at-risk mothers and their children.

This organization provides these people with resources and tools to help their reintegration into society.

Casa Luz

Tamashii Fundation

Led by the Tamashii martial arts school and in conjunction with private community efforts the foundation seeks to provide a positive impact on today’s youth by teaching the values of Japanese Karate.

The Tamasii Foundation views martial arts as an additional unique channel to provide underprivileged children access to discipline, exercise, and a value system applicable to life.